Treetop Zen Center Spring Retreat

Please note that the dates of the retreat are Sunday, June 14, at 7 p.m., through Saturday, June 20, ending after lunch. Also, there will be no zazen or schedule on the previous Saturday, the 13th, because of the coming retreat.

Please register by replying to this email indicating if you are planning to come to the retreat full-time, or part-time. If part-time, please indicate which days, and which meals you will have. There will also be copies of registration forms downstairs the zendo, at the foot of the stairs, on a spanking new little bulletin board.

The daily schedule will as usual begin at 6 a.m. and end at 8 p.m.

Daily fees are $25, or whatever you can afford to give at this time. Please do not let finances preclude your participation in the retreat.

Feel free to email Stef and Margaret at with any questions.