Treetop Zen Center Updates

Last night, following an initial discussion made last Saturday morning, the sangha made several decisions:

1. Saturday schedule will once again begin at 9:30 a.m. and go to approximately 11:30 a.m.—Noon. This will begin this coming Saturday, the 16th.

2. The Writing Workshop of May 22 and 23 is postponed until sometime in the Fall of this year.

3. The Acadia National Park Deep Ecology trip of May 29—31 is similarly postponed until sometime in the Fall of this year.

4. The Spring Retreat of June 14—June 20 will take place as scheduled. To date there are five to six full-time participants in the retreat. It is hoped there will be more. Part time participants are also welcome. You are urged to register for this retreat as soon as possible so that meals and other activities relating to the retreat may be planned.

5. Miranda has graciously volunteered to be Tenzo (cook) for the retreat. Mary Jo will assist her in organizing and planning for this job.